Monday, 23 October 2023 09:16

Crossbows and Catapults

Crossbows and Catapults is a very old board game that was very popular in the 80s and 90s. The two players would take one army at a time, set up their walls, fortresses and soldiers, then use various war machines to fire shells at each other trying to do the most damage to the opponent.
The game, although it maintains its popularity (especially in the ages over thirty and forty) has stopped being released - at least in Greece, although a new version has been released lately, but quite different. You can find it used and usually at quite a bargain price.
Our own game (mine and my brother's) had been abandoned for many years in some warehouse. This year I decided to fix it and see if it can be made functional again.
The main problems were that most weapons (crossbows and catapults) had all their moving parts missing or broken. For the repair I used bbq sticks (the ones with the rectangular handle at the end), rubber bands, metal clips (which I opened up to make the pivot shafts), paints and a dremmel for the small jobs (drilling, cutting, scraping).
The next plans are to make my own constructions.

Additional Info

  • Medium: bbq sticks, rubber bands, metal clips, paints etc
  • Date: 2023

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