Wednesday, 30 December 2015 08:03

Young lady

Three paintings of a very close friend of mine. I call them "young lady series" (there are two more). All of them are based on photos. From these three I think the most successful one is the first.

A young lady on the mirror, 2011 

It's quite a traditional portrait with a dark brown background (reminding the classic portraits of baroque etc). Due to my lack of experience with the use of acrylics, I wasn't able to make the portrait more alive and fresh as I wanted but despite this I’m satisfied with the overall result (mostly because of the sketch and the face expression). (30 x 40 cm)

Bienvenidos, 2010

Another painting of the young lady series. It combines a full body portrait and a photo of a wall I had seen in Cuba (in Trinidad). The proportions of the body could be made better (although here they are also even more distorted by the photo). I like the colors, though. (60 x 40 cm)

Portrait of a young lady, 2009

Another portrait of the young lady series. I used cold colors in order to emphasize the yellow hair. It is a painting I like, although it doesn’t resemble much the actual person. (50 x 70 cm)

Additional Info

  • Medium: acrylics on canvas
  • Date: 2009-2011
  • Availability: Not available /Private collection
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