Tuesday, 17 November 2015 10:57

BW Portrait

This painting is the result of two things: on the one hand an attempt to exploit a piece of plastic net (which had long been painted black) and a preference i had lately for large portraits. In essence (and not a very original thought i must admit) I thought the net should block something: eyes or mouth (eventually choosing the latter), so I had to create a person behind it (not something specific, without any sketching) that will should be black and white.

The painting is created by thin layers of paint on top of each other, except for some points (e.g. eyes) wherein there is a more "thick" layer of paint.

UPDATE 2016: This work became the front cover of the comic For a breath of freedom, published by the publication project Asymmetric Threat.

Additional Info

  • Medium: Acrylic, plastic on paper, plastic net
  • Size: 1m x 70 cm
  • Date: 2013
  • Availability: Available

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