Saturday, 02 March 2019 07:14

We want everything p.4

Another try for a poster for my comic album "We Want Everything" which was completed on January 2019. This idea is based on the front cover of the ebook Storming Heaven, Class Composition and Struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism, by Steve Wright.

This poster was first published (Α3 and Α4 sizes) in my patreon page.

Now in Bookstores

We Want Everything

the publications of colleagues, Nov. 2021

Summer of 1969, Italy. A year after May '68, FIAT workers began a dynamic and unmediated strike against their powerful boss. Their struggle marked the beginning of a decade of workers' and students' mobilizations and the rise of the Autonomy movement. It was characterized by many as the last invasion of the working class into the sky. Last ... let's hope until the next one ...



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