Monday, 06 February 2017 12:00

Rider's song

This comic is an interpretation of one of Federico Garcia Lorca's poems with the name Rider's song (or Horseman's song -Canción del jinete). The original poem is the following:

Córdoba. Lejana y sola.
Jaca negra, luna grande,
aceitunas en mi alforja.
Aunque sepa los caminos,
yo nunca llegaré a Córdoba.
Por el llano, por el viento,
jaca negra, luna roja.
La muerte me está mirando
desde las torres de Córdoba.
¡Ay que camino tan largo!
¡Ay mi jaca valerosa!
¡Ay que la muerte me espera,
antes de llegar a Córdoba!
Lejana y sola.

To transcibe the poem into a comic / illustration (and give my own interpretation perhaps unrelated to the original intentions of the poet) I had specific historical facts in mind: Lorca was executed on August 19 by the fascists of Franco in an area named Alfakar outside Granada. During this period (from July 1936) Cordoba was under fascist occupation (with over 2,000 executions since the first few weeks). Shortly after Granada falls into the hands of Franco's army. On August 19 to 22 an attempt by the democratic army to recapture Cordoba fails. In a small analogy to present day both cities who were under fascist rule and oppression (Cordoba and Granada) had been important Muslim centers in the past.

Additional Info

  • Medium: markers, digital corrections
  • Date: 2017

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